Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mystery Bag Reflection

Mystery Bags Reflection
Report on the possible Owner

The owner of this bag is most likely a female because there are perfume, lip gloss and the mirror inside the bag. She could be from a country where pounds are used, because one of her book has a tag with $ sign. She might be a tourist in Hong Kong because she had a Hong Kong map and tooth paste and brush for travelers in her bag. Maybe she has kid or kids to give Chinese animal books or she is someone who is learning Chinese. There is a photo of heart with number 10 on it, which is made of flowers. Photo seems like it’s for anniversary picture, so maybe this person has 10 years of marriage. By looking at lip gloss, mirror and earrings, this person likes to look good. Anti-inflammatory tells that this person has a throat problem. This person might be a person who really cares about if they smell good because there is perfume and peppermint gum in the bag. Fendi card tells me that this person might be a rich person because Fendi is very expensive. Pink Highlighter tells me that this person likes to be organized. Button tells me that she’s very extra-cautious.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Does the boy in the striped pyjamas deal with the sensitive subject of the Holocaust in an appropriate way?

Se Jin Lee March 5th
Green class

Does the boy in the striped pyjamas deal with the sensitive subject of the Holocaust in an appropriate way?

No, I think the book, 'The Boy In the Striped Pyjamas' doesn't deal with the Holocaust, because John Boyne used a Nazi's point of view. Even though it was a good choice because it didn't make the whole book complicated with fears and horror, I thought Bruno wasn't that serious about what was happening in Germany. Everything that happened was translated to more like 9 years old boy's eyes. Surely, the Holocaust was more serious that when Bruno felt after moving to Outwith. In the real history, people didn't really suffer because of loneliness(well some people did but..) It was all about surviving! food and death. Maybe it would have deal with the subject more in an appropriate way if the author wrote the book in Shumel's point of view. For example, in the first chapter everything was basically about having to move into a new house, it would have been more interesting if John Boyne wrote about Shumel getting into the concentration camp. To add up, I didn't like the face he wrote the book as a Nazi's son's point of view, a Jew's point of view would have really deal it with the reality, showing more fears and horrors.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Shumel's Point of View.

Web Quest

March 3rd Se Jin Lee Partner: Imaran

1) How did Hitler gain power and convince other nations to help him?
- He gave many German people a job, pride. Basically, he brainwashed them.

2)What does the holocaust mean?
- The holocaust means to burn, representing the horrible event that happened during the World War 2 in German, where they killed Jews and people they didn’t want and burnt them.

3)When was the first concentration camp built and used?
- January, 1993

4) What did the meaning Ghetto meant back then?
- A place or area where Nazis sent Jews until they were ready to sent to extermination camps.

5) What kind of people were Hitler targeting?
- People who he believe to have dirty blood in German, who disturbed them to make German a country with pure blood people.

6) Name 3 killing centers?
- Chelmno, Aushwiz-Birkenau and Lublin/ Majdanek.

7) What do you see in this picture? Go to this link and look at the first picture: Killing Centers
- I see many hairbrushes, which is very sad because they belong to Jews in
Poland who were probably killed.

8) How did other countries such as France, England, America etc. response to this murders/execution?

- First they didn’t do anything because they were scared of German and felt tired after having too much suffer after World War 1. But, when they realized that it will really make a problem if Hitler gets Russia, they all fought against Nazis.

9) What does the word "Aryanization" mean?
- Aryanization is the process that Nazis did in order to reduced the number of Jewish-owned businesses during April 1933 to April 1938 in Germany by about two-thirds.

10) Why did Hitler decide to kill Jews and everyone who was not "perfect"?
- because Hitler wanted German to be a perfect country, with people with pure blood.