Monday, May 31, 2010

This I believe

;lSe Jin Lee Green Class 2010-05-30
This I believe

I’m Korean. In 2009, more than ten celebrities in Korea suicide from Melancholia. I really don’t want to embarrass my country by writing by like this, I chose this as my topic because I want it to stop. Korea is the only country with this issue. There are reasons why Koreans comments bad things about others in Internet. All most all the South Koreans love to sit and use computer. In average, Koreans use computer for 4.4 hours a day. So, naturally people go to website, and view news about celebrates and leave bad comments about them. Even if they don’t know anything about them, even if they don’t really hate them, they write bad comments for fun or to prevent their stress from their school or work.

Starting from 21st century, ever since Internet became really popular in Korea, people lost their mind without realizing that the words they actually say in Internet can hurt others feeling. I was really upset when I heard news that one of my favorite actress suicide last year. The thing that made me more upset was the comments of the news, people were saying things like. “Thanks god you died,” “You deserve to die!” It was shocking, how can people actually say that to others? It’s just amazing how these people who are not even adults sit in a chair with their computer and leaving comments like this. Celebrities are also people like us; we don’t have rights to hurt them. When I become a parent, I will teach my daughter how to use the Internet properly, that words can hurt people.

It’s not only about celebrities, we need to think first before we say any thing to someone, including your close friends, family or even someone you hate. If everyone start to believe in this, many people would be able to live much happier life.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Answers to the Battle of Hastings Game


This game is called "The Battle of Hastings Game". The setting of the game is 14,October, 1066 at Hastings in England. It is based one the actual event. To play the game,first you have to choose which you want to play the game as. You can choose either Duke William of Normany or Harold Godwinson. As you play the game, you have to choose your movements in order to win the battle, but if you choose wrong one, you will lose the game.

The thing I enjoyed about this game is that you can easily win the game if you know about the actual event, the Battle of Hastings well. Also, it's a very historical and educational game, I learned a lot of things after playing this game. First, I learned that winning a battle needs good stratigies and plans, without using them, you will end up with death. Also, I learned that I need to study more about the Battle of Hastings because I was really struggling with the game.

During the battle of Hastings, the English used 'shield wall' to block the Saxons. The Normans broke the English 'shield wall' with many attempt of attacks and trick retreats. While fighting, some one screamed, "King William is dead!". The Saxons chased them, but then they found out that King William was alive. The Normans knights turned and attacked. At last when Harold died, victory came to William.
I think this type of game is valuable learning experience because you can check if you know enough about the event.