Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reflection on my learning proflie.

Everyone has different personalities, ways they react to certain situations, and ways they learn.

Today in humanities class, we had such a meaningful class where we did few tests to find out which learning profile we are. Everyone has different ways of learning, strengths and weaknesses. I think by knowing my learning profile and applying when I study, it will make it much easily for me to focus on my work and be successful.

I am profile HH.
"These learners will benefit from sitting where they can process internally, quietly and are allowed allowed to doodle or manipulate clay while learning". I agree with this. I think I learn best when I'm in a quite place without disturbing noises where I can focus well. I am very sensible in hearing. Even little noises from computers distract me from learning.

"When under stress, this learner is at a great disadvantage because they cannot access their dominant hemisphere with sensory input, however, when not stressed this learner can more easily access logic/gestalt integration than any of the other logic profiles." I think this is true.When I'm under stress, I feel like that I'm no longer involved in class, as if my brain has been shut off. So it's really important for me to release my stress by doing simple activities like Lazy 8s and thinking caps from Brain Gym especially before tests so I can do my best.

"This learners may need to move,touch and manually explore in order to organize and express information." Since I have the dominant left hand connected to the Kinesthetic gestalt hemisphere, I need to move, touch and explore in order to organize and express information. This means that I need to do more activities that involve physical things rather than just sit and listen to the teacher. So strategies I will use from now on is to review information physically rather than just writing them on papers. For example, acting out what happened in Act1, Julius Caesar, than just memorizing them by reading.

4) I would like my teachers to know that whenever I'm understressed, I might process really poorly because i'm totaly left limited profile. But when I'm relaxed, I can more easily acess logic/gestalt integration than any of logic profile. This means that getting not stress is really important to me. So I would be really pleased if we can have simple brain activities before classes.