Saturday, September 26, 2009




Curiosity in the African myth, Orphan boy and the Greek myth, Pandora demonstrates to us that curiosity sometimes leads us to change. This can be proved because in Pandora, Pandora got punishments because of her curiosity of opening the box. When she opened the box, every disgusting and bad things came out to the world. Also in Orphan boy, the old man got punishments because of his curiosity of following the orphan boy. When the orphan boy found out that the old man had followed him, he lost his trust and left him. Also the man and his cows died. People who made these two myths enforced us that curiosity makes things go in disarray. Which is weird and does not make sense, because they also made myths because of their curiosity.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My name

My name

I never complained about my name in my life, I never liked my name either. When I was young, in Korea there were many teachers asking me about my name. Maybe I was born to be negative. Well that's just who I am. I thought it was just wasting my time discussing about them. But I was totally wrong. I think names really do relate to you and your life like destiny!

One of person I knew in Korea had the worst name in the world. It was so bad I can still remember. It was "Akma " which means devil. I mean who in the world name their children a devil? though I don't know the another story of theirs, but really... Surprisingly he really was a person who has a soul of a devil. I can't blame him though, it's all his parent's fault of giving such bad name. So, to sum up, name is really important. It's also important to know what it means too, so I can at least know if my parents cared about my future.

My name is Se Jin Lee, a very easy name to memorize, though it’s hard to pronounce perfectly for people who aren’t Korean. They often mispronounce Si- instead of Se- and when I tell them the right pronunciation. They always ask me “What’s the difference?” I can’t understand why they can’t compare Se- and Si-, or is it just me who's so sensitive?

My best friend describes me as Winnie the Pooh. She say I'm a dull, warm and friendly person who's so comfortable to hug. I'm not sure why she thinks Pooh is dull,warm and friendly though. When my mom had her beautiful 3rd baby, she had a hard time giving her a name, because she had already used the best ones for the 1st and the 2nd daughters. First time she thought about giving me "Yeo Jin" which mean girl treasure(?). haha, I think I would have been a really beautiful girlish girl if my dad agreed with that name.

My grandfather wanted to help her, so he thought about a good name for a few weeks. Ignoring all the beautiful names, like Yu Na, Hyo Won and You Jin, he finally chose ‘Se Jin’ which sounds quite boyish. Though the reason why he chose that name was that he wanted me to become a respectable woman. Se Jin means the world treasure. What a lovely name! That’s why I get so mad when people call me Si Jin, because I love my name and Si Jin means marry-treasure or poo-treasure, which are funny but don’t even make sense.

My last name, Lee means a peach tree, which is probably a very fresh big tree with golden peaches. I wonder if that’s why I’m so sweet-hearted. I love my last name, because it’s very simple for anyone to read and remember. It would be so great if I become a music teacher, and my students call me “Ms. Lee”

261 words

Monday, September 7, 2009

Common Elements of Creation Myths

Common Elements of Creation Myths

“A myth is the projection of a culture’s soul” Dictionary of Creation Myths. Many creation myths contain common themes of children against parents, people from mud and explanation of the world. This fact is very surprising because those creation myths are from all different cultures and times. In many creation myths, there are children who go against father, for example, the Greek myth, Pandora and the Korean myth, JuMulJu. This proves that even though people couldn’t communicate, people had the same ideas. One of the common elements in many creation myths is people being made from mud, for example, the African myth and Pandora. Even though these myths are from totally different countries, their beliefs were the same. Many creation myths explain the world like the Chinese myth of Phan Ku and the Chippewa myth. It’s amazing to see the connections between them even though they’re from different times. All the creation myths are actually from one thought, because they’re all sharing the main ideas no matter where and when it came from.

190 words

Friday, September 4, 2009

A quote and a picture I've chosen.

The reason why I chose a quote by Lao Tzu, Chinese taoist Philosopher is because it is very simple and powerful. It's telling me that even a long jouney starts with one step.
The reason why I chose this picture is because it shows the obstacles through the journey. I thought it was interesting because there are thousands of flags(obstacles) on mountains (the journey) which is showing how tough the journey is. Also the mountains are colored with different colors which tells me that there are several journeys. This is the picture that perfectly fits to what I thought about journeys. Tough, risky and difficult.