Monday, November 16, 2009

Jason and the Golden Fleece


I think Jason and the golden fleece fits with the cycle of hero which was developed by Joseph Campbell, because of these facts.

Birth: He's unusual birth actually caused his journey. When he was born as the son of the king Aeson in Thessaly, he almost gets killed by his uncle when he was young by his uncle, Pelias. His uncle disobey his father to get the crown and become a king, so the king and queen gets kicked out to the mountain, Pelion.

Call to adventure: when he returns to the kingdom after finishing Chiron's teaching, he meets Pelias and asks him for the crown. The wicked uncle gives him the dangerous quest before he accepts him, getting the Golden Fleece.

Elixir: Elixir is like the reason for the journey like the goal of an adventure. In Jason of the Golden Fleece, I think the elixir is getting the crown back from Pelias, because that was the reason why and how he start the journey to find the Golden Fleece, so he can be the king.

Helpers: . In his journey, he asks 50 Greek heroes to join his adventure, like Hercules, Odysseus and others. Even though Jason was the leader, without them, he wouldn't have succeed his quest. And in my opinion the most helpful person for Jason was actually his lover, Medea. She killed her younger brother, betray her father and kill Pelias just because of Jason. Even though at the end, Jason's love for Medea disappears because of her cruelty, she really loved him and helped him.

Helpers/Amulets: The king and queen send him to Chiron, one of the greatest teachers in the Greek myth. He learned every skills and knowledge he need for his journey from Chiron. Jason became strong and mature because of his lessons.

Tests: There were few tests in Jason and the golden fleece. Especially when Jason and the Argonauts were in the way to the island where the Golden Fleece, they across the clashing rocks, the monsters such as siren, fire-breathing bulls.

The final battle: After passing all the tests, he reached a island where the Golden Fleece was located. Fighting the dragon ,which was told to guard the Golden fleece by gods was his final battle. It was most challenging and the last step to accomplish his main quest, but at the end he fought bravely with helpers and could win the battle and get the golden fleece.

The return: After the final Battle, he brought the Golden Fleece to his kingdom with Medea and his Argonauts. Pelias opened a big celebration. Many people and his Argonauts were glad to congrats his succeed. But after many days, Pelias didn't say anything about giving back his crown. Medea got angry, so she tricked with a magic to Pelias's two daughters and made them kill him.

Question 2

I read two different types of Jason and the Golden Fleece so far. They were really different, especially the way they described the character 'Medea'. In the first story was she was a wicked witch who tried to kill Jason, but the second one I read, Medea was like the second most important character in the story where they fall in love and she joins his journey. I think Greek people really loved this myth, they have changed the story so many times they want to. That's why there is so many different stories for one myth, Jason and the Golden Fleece.
In the cartoon, compare to the book I read, I think Jason is described as dependent and a bit weak. I think he gets too much of help by other heroes and believes in Medea too much at part 2, but I can't really say they did represented Jason well or not. People might think they didn't because of their thought of heroes being always independent and strong, but even in the story, he's just a person. Maybe he was weak and dependent but had enough knowledge to succeed.

Question 3

I think Jason and the Golden Fleece is a story which is mixed with tons of facts and imaginations.

These facts are what I got from Humanities class...

  • Mount Pelion does really exist.

  • The island of Lemnos, Greece where Jason did his first test is real..

  • Found the Bronze-Aged Palace of Jason.

  • Greek people had enough technology to make Argo and go through the Black Sea.

  • They found out that 1,400 B.C was when Jason did his quest.

  • Jason and the Golden Fleece when there was the Trojan War and it was a real event.

  • They found a real cave with drawings of Jason.

From these fact, there is obviously a possibility that some parts of the story might have been real, maybe people have changed some parts like those magical monsters to make the story to a myth.

Saturday, September 26, 2009




Curiosity in the African myth, Orphan boy and the Greek myth, Pandora demonstrates to us that curiosity sometimes leads us to change. This can be proved because in Pandora, Pandora got punishments because of her curiosity of opening the box. When she opened the box, every disgusting and bad things came out to the world. Also in Orphan boy, the old man got punishments because of his curiosity of following the orphan boy. When the orphan boy found out that the old man had followed him, he lost his trust and left him. Also the man and his cows died. People who made these two myths enforced us that curiosity makes things go in disarray. Which is weird and does not make sense, because they also made myths because of their curiosity.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My name

My name

I never complained about my name in my life, I never liked my name either. When I was young, in Korea there were many teachers asking me about my name. Maybe I was born to be negative. Well that's just who I am. I thought it was just wasting my time discussing about them. But I was totally wrong. I think names really do relate to you and your life like destiny!

One of person I knew in Korea had the worst name in the world. It was so bad I can still remember. It was "Akma " which means devil. I mean who in the world name their children a devil? though I don't know the another story of theirs, but really... Surprisingly he really was a person who has a soul of a devil. I can't blame him though, it's all his parent's fault of giving such bad name. So, to sum up, name is really important. It's also important to know what it means too, so I can at least know if my parents cared about my future.

My name is Se Jin Lee, a very easy name to memorize, though it’s hard to pronounce perfectly for people who aren’t Korean. They often mispronounce Si- instead of Se- and when I tell them the right pronunciation. They always ask me “What’s the difference?” I can’t understand why they can’t compare Se- and Si-, or is it just me who's so sensitive?

My best friend describes me as Winnie the Pooh. She say I'm a dull, warm and friendly person who's so comfortable to hug. I'm not sure why she thinks Pooh is dull,warm and friendly though. When my mom had her beautiful 3rd baby, she had a hard time giving her a name, because she had already used the best ones for the 1st and the 2nd daughters. First time she thought about giving me "Yeo Jin" which mean girl treasure(?). haha, I think I would have been a really beautiful girlish girl if my dad agreed with that name.

My grandfather wanted to help her, so he thought about a good name for a few weeks. Ignoring all the beautiful names, like Yu Na, Hyo Won and You Jin, he finally chose ‘Se Jin’ which sounds quite boyish. Though the reason why he chose that name was that he wanted me to become a respectable woman. Se Jin means the world treasure. What a lovely name! That’s why I get so mad when people call me Si Jin, because I love my name and Si Jin means marry-treasure or poo-treasure, which are funny but don’t even make sense.

My last name, Lee means a peach tree, which is probably a very fresh big tree with golden peaches. I wonder if that’s why I’m so sweet-hearted. I love my last name, because it’s very simple for anyone to read and remember. It would be so great if I become a music teacher, and my students call me “Ms. Lee”

261 words

Monday, September 7, 2009

Common Elements of Creation Myths

Common Elements of Creation Myths

“A myth is the projection of a culture’s soul” Dictionary of Creation Myths. Many creation myths contain common themes of children against parents, people from mud and explanation of the world. This fact is very surprising because those creation myths are from all different cultures and times. In many creation myths, there are children who go against father, for example, the Greek myth, Pandora and the Korean myth, JuMulJu. This proves that even though people couldn’t communicate, people had the same ideas. One of the common elements in many creation myths is people being made from mud, for example, the African myth and Pandora. Even though these myths are from totally different countries, their beliefs were the same. Many creation myths explain the world like the Chinese myth of Phan Ku and the Chippewa myth. It’s amazing to see the connections between them even though they’re from different times. All the creation myths are actually from one thought, because they’re all sharing the main ideas no matter where and when it came from.

190 words

Friday, September 4, 2009

A quote and a picture I've chosen.

The reason why I chose a quote by Lao Tzu, Chinese taoist Philosopher is because it is very simple and powerful. It's telling me that even a long jouney starts with one step.
The reason why I chose this picture is because it shows the obstacles through the journey. I thought it was interesting because there are thousands of flags(obstacles) on mountains (the journey) which is showing how tough the journey is. Also the mountains are colored with different colors which tells me that there are several journeys. This is the picture that perfectly fits to what I thought about journeys. Tough, risky and difficult.

Monday, June 1, 2009

7th grade

Dear. 7th grade teachers

Hello, I’m Se Jin. I’m very excited to write this letter, this year have been a great succeed. And to explain how I feel of getting out ESL3 is unexplainable. But I feel quite sad at the same time because that also means I can’t participate in intermediate band. It is very cruel to me because band is the subject that I most enjoyed with in grade 6. I think it would be great to give ESL4 students chance to participate in band. (Because it is a great opportunity to play an instrument.)

I also want to get more supports from my science and math teachers because I had quite a hard time in math and science class. It’s really hard to understand what they are talking about in science class especially people like me who is in ESL. Maybe teachers can make a science class for ESL students so they can help them on vocabularies.

But over all, I enjoyed grade 6 and I will really work hard in grade 7.

SeJin Lee

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Break 2009!

Spring Break 2009!

Even though it was a very short break, it was full of great events. However, there was one sad thing about my spring break. During spring break, two of my friends had to say goodbye to me with sad tears. In other words, they had to go back to their home country. I felt so sad when I knew that I was going to lose those great friends but at the same time, I knew that when you meet someone, you will someday say goodbye to them. 'Good bye!' I muttered with a sad voice. At that time, we hugged each other for the last time. Well, saying goodbye might be a sad thing but in my mind, I think it's another way to say see you!

During the spring break, it was my birthday and I wanted to have a party. However, my mom didn’t like the idea and she couldn’t decide whether her answer was yes or no. So I begged,” Mom, please! Everyone will be so glad to come to my birthday party ~ only a few guests, not like the last time. You don't need to worry!” I pleaded with her and looked at her with innocent eyes. She said “Oh, don't look at me like that” finally, I won! "Ok! Fine, but only eight people, right??" she answered. “Yes! Finally, I love you mom!” I kissed her and ran as fast as I could to my room. I quickly turned on my computer and entered my ID and password in BBS in one second. When my sister screamed at me 'What's wrong with you?’ I finally calmed down and wrote an email to those eight friends. This is what I wrote.

From: SeJin Lee
Subject: My mom said yes!
To: Hyowon jang, Rosa sul, Jihyun Ahn, Suhyung hwang, etc

She said yes! I’m so excited; I'm going to have a birthday party, a swimming party. I have not decided when yet. If you have received this mail, that means you are invited! I’m not going to invite boys, because I’m only allowed to invite eight friends. I will send you guys the date and time later. My birthday is on April 5th.

After sending the invitation to them, I couldn't wait for my birthday party but the time went really fast. On April 3rd, the party took place. Unfortunately, two of my friends couldn't come to my birthday party for personal reasons. When my mom had finished setting the tables for my birthday party, I saw my friends coming to the swimming pool. Everyone was so excited that they ran to the changing room like cheetahs. When everyone was ready, I blew out the twelve candles that were on my twelfth birthday cake. Everyone sang happy birthday to me "Happy birthday to Sejin~" Even though it was quite embarrassing, it was also very memorable. When we were finished eating my delicious birthday cake, I heard Do Hyun whispering to the others "Se Jin is the birthday girl, so why don't we push her into the swimming pool?" I felt so scared when I heard that plan. I saw everyone’s smile. Before I tried to say 'don't!’ Hyowon's younger sister tried to push me into the swimming pool but luckily, I was too heavy to be pushed in! I gave her a big smile and quickly caught her hands and pushed her into the pool! She went plop! Everyone laughed. Eventually, everyone was pushed into the pool. Everyone felt freezing cold, so we went to the warm water pool and everyone said “oh, this is so warm.” with blue lips. The party ended at 5 PM. everyone had to leave. When the party was over, I learned something. Having a birthday day party is always full of smiles!

Oh!! Another great thing about my spring break is that, I read two Roald Dahl's book namely, ‘The BFG’ and ‘James and the Giant Peach’. They were both so enjoyable. I still have two more books that I will read this month which are 'Going Solo' and 'The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More'. I can't wait to read them! Especially 'The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More'. When I start to read Roald Dahl’s books, I can't stop thinking 'Oh, I hope this story has a happy ending.’ and 'Oh! How sad! Roald Dahl passed away! There won’t be any new books that are this enjoyable! How sad'.

Oh. I almost forgot the most important thing that happened in my Spring Break. My father finally agreed to buy me a trumpet during Spring Break, because I had practiced so much (about 6 hours a day), I have become quite a good player considering the short time I've been playing. Well, I promise you this time that I will work hard! I will post it on my blog when I can play 'The flight of the bumblebee' on the trumpet (which is a very difficult tune.)

To sum up, yes my spring break was fantastic! This reflection might seem too long but it is because I had a great time during my spring break. Having a great break is always good but going back to school is always good too! Yes! It’s time to study. (I miss my break already!).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

3 Environmental Factors needed for survival of my village.(Added)

Luckily, as you can see I've got a comment from my teacher and I realized, I better practice this thing(Because in the future, I'm going to have similar thing.) I looked at some of my friend's work. I found out the difference between me and those friends who got good comments from the teacher. I’ve deicide to add more. I hope you can compare to the last one and find out what I have added.

3 Environmental Factors needed for survival of my village.

Imagine that you are living 200 years in the future. Earth has been invaded by a powerful empire, Akkadiana, but you manage to escape with several friends in a small space ship. Your space ship lands on an unknown planet, but you find that the geography and the environment is just like Earth. The only difference is there are no cities, towns or villages and you and your friends are the only humans here.

Environmental Factor 1: I would look for a river. This brings fertile soil and fresh water to my village. Fertile soil would make the village rich, because fertile soils help the farming and Fresh water would be used to drink, wash and clean clothes. We also can gather foods in river, so we would not have to worry about dying in a hunger. Fish, water birds and animals come to drink are one of foods we can gather in or near river. River would be one of the most important environmental factors to survive.

Environmental Factor 2: I would look for trees, so we can make tools out of them. Making tools would be very important in order to survive in an unknown planet where there are only you and your friends. Also, we can make boats and travel around the planet because there might be better place for our village. We also can make things like beds, chairs, tables, shelters and weapons. Trees would be very useful to us to survive.

Environmental Factor 3: I would look for oceans, so I can travel around the planet and gather things that are not in my village, because there wouldn't be all things around my village. On that planet, gathering things will be very important. As more as you gathered, you will be able to survive longer! As the introduction said, that the planet is just like earth, there must be seasons, so you will need something to protect yourselves from the weathers. For example foxes. but foxes don't live around my village so traveling around the planet will also help us to survive. Oceans would be one of the most important environmental factors to gather thing that help to survive.

Monday, March 9, 2009

3 Environmental Factors needed for survival of my village.

3 Environmental Factors needed for survival of my village.

Environmental Factor 1: I would look for a river. This brings fertile soil and fresh water to my village. Fertile soil would make the village rich and Fresh water would be used to drink for my friends and me. We also can gather foods in river. For examples, fish, water birds and animals come to drink. River would be one of the most important environmental factors to survive.

Environmental Factor 2: I would look for trees, so we can make tools out of them. for example, we can make boats and travel around the planet because there might be better place for our village. We also can make things like beds, chairs, tables, shelters and weapons. Trees would be very useful to us to survive.

Environmental Factor 3: I would look for oceans, so I can travel around the planet and gather things that are not in my village, because there wouldn't be all things around my village. Maybe foxes don't live around my village and in winter we might need animal skins to protect ourselves from the weather. Oceans would be one of the most important environmental factors to gather thing that help to survive.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Korea is a civillization

I think... Korea is a civilization, because

Government: The Government is not the only one person; there are many people who have jobs for government. In Korea, there is a president and the Prim ministers for each city. Even though their jobs are different, main point is to lead the people.

Religion: Korea has several religions which are Buddhism and Christianity. Korean people are very religious so everywhere you go in Korea, you will see thousands of churches and temples! By having many kinds of religion, Korea celebrates Chinese New Year, Christmas and others.

Stable Food Supply: In Korea, now it's very different to gather/earn the foods compare to the old days. In old days, many of Korean were farmers, but now there is only few of Korean are farmers. Then, how do we have stable food supply? Not always, but Korea obtains (trading) foods from the other countries, but good thing is by trading foods from other countries makes good relationship.

The Arts: Until these days, In Korea you will see traditional work of art because Korean people have very strong belief that more traditional things in Korea, more foreigners will visit Korea, so in each year many foreigners visit Korea and learn about Korea. For examples: drama, music, movies and dance.

Social Structure: In Korea, there are many different levels depending on the jobs. If we imagine there is like a pyramid of social structure, the top part would be president and below that, there would be a prime minister and then the police, then doctors and then the judges and then normal people.

Writing: In old days in Korea, Koreans used Chinese, but the king called Se Jong created Han Gle(HoonMinjeongEum). This is why Han Gle looks similar to Chinese. Until today, we use Han Gle for writing and speaking. Han Gle was chosen as most creative language in the world. In Han Gle, there are many words often feelings, that aren't in other languages.

Technology: In Korea during the winter time, people were sick of cold so Ondol was invented. Ondol is special stones that are used to make room warm. If Korean hasn’t invented this invention, Koreans would have hard time during the winter time, so Ondol was chosen as top10 important invention of Korea.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My vacation with my sister

I enjoyed my winter vacation so much! Today I'm going to tell you about the best memorable part of my winter vacation.

Even though my sister went back to England again, it was a great chance to spend time with my family. It was so special because my cousin came to Malaysia to study Malaysian. Also my sister came back to Malaysia from England, so I had to spend my vacation with huge family. In December 24 just 1 day before Christmas, my sister, Yu Jin came back to Malaysia. I was so glad! It was the first time to see her since 3 months!

I felt sad because I knew that she is just here for 3 weeks. When she just has drive to our house, Yu Jin and I were so glad so suddenly we hug together with tears. The funny thing is that we couldn't really play together during the vacation; she was too tired because of the time difference. It took her one week to adapt the time difference. When my sister was okay with it, she had to do her homework!!!

When there was only 1 days left until she leaves, I told her "Next time, finish your homework before you come to Malaysia." when Yu Jin was about to leave our house to go to airport, only my father and my mother could go to airport with her because our car is too small for 7 people. When Yu Jin opened the door to leave our house, we hug together.

This is the end of my story. Actually, I went to many places but It wasn't special than moments with my sister. I'm still waiting until Yu Jin to comes to Malaysia again!