Monday, March 28, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence #2

After watching the film, Rabbit Proof Fence, it motivated me to think about the whole concept of Australian colonization again in the Aboriginals perspective. Even though the British did not really harm them in any physical ways, it was shocking and upsetting how they had separated half caste children from their families. In the story, when Molly and others escaped, A.O Nevile instantly tried to catch them again which really clearly shows how the British didn't want to leave out a single half caste. It was surprising how A.O Nevile thought he was doing the right thing, indeed helping them to get educated. I also learned how the British gave opportunities to only half castes who had whiter skin to get educated in public schools. And they taught others with darker skins farming and cleaning to become maids and farmers in future. On the other hand, I also learned that not all white people were vile, there were many white people in the story who actually helped the three girls during their journey back to their home. When Daisy headed to a train station by herself, it was really heartbreaking to see her getting captured after all her risk-taking journey. This movie made me feel a connection with the three girls. I feel that the British really needs to apologize to the Aboriginals for what they had done to them.

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