Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence

Today, in Humanities class, we watched the movie, rabbit proof Fence. It was a film based on a true story of three half-caste girls, Molly, Daisy and Gracie. A Half caste is a person who is a mixed aboriginal.

In the 1930s, the British colonizers took half castes to make the whole race in Australia more like them.(White race). The story begins in Jigalong, where men came to Molly and other two girls' family to take them to re-education camp.

I think Molly is a hero, because she was courageous enough to escape from the camp. She is an intelligent girl who knows how to track, in the camp, she sees clouds and predicts there would be rain which will reduce chance of getting caught. She was very fearless, she took life risks for what she believed was worth fighting for, which was freedom.

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